Fullservice is proud to announce Pizzikotto in Grandemilia mall

Fullservice is proud to announce Pizzikotto

Business development plan of the company plans several local stores in Italy to be open this year. Fullservice has already completed design/build Pizzikotto restaurand in Grandemilia mall.

Old Wild West is “Best Brand Award 2017/2018”

Old Wild West is “Best Brand Award 2017/2018”

Third year in row e forth time, Old Wild West is the best brand restaurant 2017/2018. We are truly pride for this achievement considering that we have built more than 100 Old Wild West local stores in Italy and abroad.

Fullservice brings to Trento the fusion kitchen of Shi’s japanese restaurant

Fullservice brings to Trento the fusion kitchen of Shi’s japanese restaurant

From today on, Trento has one more refind restaurant in japanese style built by Fullservice.