Pizzikotto Trento to be built by Fullservice Contract

After Pizzikotto Milan, Pizzikotto Trento will be also built by Fullservice…

Milan, opening soon Shi’s and Pizzikotto

Milan, Pizikotto and Shi's restaurants building works by Fullservice Contract

Wiener Haus Tavagnacco new opening

Fullservice will build Wiener Haus in Tavagnacco.

Wiener Haus Tavagnacco in arrivo

Fullservice confermata per la realizzazione del nuovo Wiener Haus a Tavagnacco.…

Shi’s Mirano restaurant to open

We have officialy started construction works of Shi's Mirano restaurant that…

Old Wild West Genoa coming soon

Fullservice general contractor started with construction works on Genova based…

Temakinho Lyon now open

Cigierre exports Temakinho in France and entrusts Fullservice with the…

Take me Home about to become an Old Wild West Modena

Fullservice Contract started with works on Modena based project.